Sunday, May 27, 2007

Silly Girl

Sometimes you just need to get naked and splash in a puddle.

Memorial Day Camping...

We went camping for a couple nights over this weekend. We also visited the fish hatchery on the Metolius River.

Treasure Hunting -- aka Geocaching

I took Zoe geocaching last week for the first time. Basically, people hide a box somewhere and then post the coordinates and a little discription at Using a GPS, you hunt down the box and if you like something that is inside, you can take it, as long as you leave something. It's usually full of little nick-nacks.
We call it Treasure Hunting. I don't know why I didn't think of doing this before, but we've done a few in the last week, and it's pretty fun...
Here is a picture from the first one.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Fun at the park

Yesterday we went to the park after school. This is where Zoe's birthday party was last year. She loves to reinact parts of her party. It's pretty funny...

Test Drive

Here we are on a Wednesday afternoon outing. This is the Deschutes River, it runs through Bend. That's Remi & her dad Gordon.

Earth Day Parade

Every year for Earth Day, there is a parade for kids. They all dress up and walk through the streets downtown. This year Zoe was a "butterfly princess." It was a bit cold that day and it threatened to rain, but it was still a fun day.